Configuring Your Site

Feb 07, 2021

This starter template comes with a few default settings and pages that you’ll probably want to change.

Sound mixing board

Site details

Name & description

Your site’s name and description are defined in Portway:

  1. Click or tap the Project Settings link at the bottom of the Portway window
  2. Select Info
  3. Click or tap Update project settings to save your changes
Project settings in Portway

Note — Updating project settings won’t trigger a build automatically. See Deploying manually from Netlify for details.


This template project strives to use relative URLs wherever possible, but in some cases (like the RSS feed that is generated automatically) a fully qualified domain name is required.

When building your site, Eleventy will first look for the url property in src/_data/site.json. If it’s empty or undefined, it will fall back to an environment variable named URL.

Tip — If you’re hosting your site on Netlify, the URL variable is automatically set for you!

If you’d prefer not to use an environment variable to define your site’s URL, update the url property in src/_data/site.json:

"url": "",

Commit your changes and push them to your Git provider to update your site.


Like the site URL, optional author details are used in your blog’s RSS feed. To set an author name or email address, update the or properties in src/_data/site.json:

"author": {
    "name": "Author Name",
    "email": ""

Static assets

Any items placed in src/static will be copied to the root of your site.


Define a custom favicon by adding favicon.png to src/static

Social image

The first image in a post or page will be used as the preview image in link unfurls on sites like Twitter and Pinterest.

You can add a custom social.png to src/static to use as the image for your home page or for pages that do not have any images.

The site footer contains an optional a “Links” section whose contents can be defined in src/_data/links.json:

        "name": "Twitter",
        "url": ""
        "name": "GitHub",
        "url": ""


See Configuring themes for details on choosing a different icon and defining new colors for your blog’s header and footer.